目的分析海水淹溺肺水肿的CT表现。方法对17例海水淹溺者肺水肿的CT影像进行回顾性分析。结果 CT检查(淹溺后5h内)CT表现为两肺弥漫或呈"蝶翼"状分布的斑片状"磨玻璃"样高密度灶,其内可见密度更高的腺泡样结节灶。结论 CT检查可明确诊断海水淹溺肺水肿,为临床诊疗提供可靠依据。
Objective To analyze CT signs of the sea drowning pulmonary edema CT performance. Methods The CT images of 17 persons with the sea drowning person pulmonary edema of the CT images were retrospectively analyzed. Resuits CT examination was performed five hours (after drowning after five hours) CT performance for two pulmonary dif fuse or show "butterfly" shape distribution of patchy "ground glass" sample high density stove, them visible density higher acini sample focal nodules. CT showed high density patchy shadows, which were diffused or presented in shape like "butterfly" or "ground glass" in both lungs. In addition, alveolar nodular sign with higher density appeared inside the focus. Conclusion CT examination can be identified the sea drowning pulmonary edema and, thus providing reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.
Journal of Medical Imaging