
格氏沙雷菌CNY-04对灰霉病菌作用机制及抑菌物质理化性质研究 被引量:5

Antimicrobial activity of Serratia grimesii CNY-04 against Botrytis cinerea and characteristic analysis of antagonistic substances
摘要 从蔬菜根际土壤中筛选到一株生防格氏沙雷菌(Serratia grimesii)CNY-04,利用抑菌圈法测定其对灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea Pers.ex Fr.)的抑制效果,通过抑制孢子萌发、影响菌丝正常生长试验对CNY-04的作用机制进行研究,并对CNY-04菌株相关性状及抑菌物质的理化性质进行了研究。结果表明,CNY-04菌株对灰霉病菌拮抗能力强且遗传稳定,抑菌圈直径达到34mm;CNY-04可对灰霉病菌菌丝结构造成破坏;可显著抑制灰霉病菌分生孢子萌发,抑制率为99%;CNY-04菌株不产生硝吡咯菌素、氢氰酸及水解酶类,可产生嗜铁素和蛋白酶;抑菌物质具有较好的热稳定性和酸碱稳定性。抑菌物质由灰霉病菌诱导产生,与已报道的沙雷菌属的作用机理完全不同。 Serratia grimesii CNY-04 was screened from the rhizosphere soil of the vegetable. The antibacterial cir- cle method was used for determination of the activity of CNY-04 against Botrytis cinerea. The study was carried out through the inhibition of spore germination and hyphal growth, and the related traits of S. grimesii CNY-04 were determined. The characteristic analysis of antagonistic substances was also studied. The results showed that the strain CNY-04 exhibited genetic stability and strong antagonistic ability. The antibacterial circle diameter was up to 34 ram. The mycelial structure of B. cinerea could be damaged by CNY-04. The strain CNY-04 significantly inhibited the spore germination of B. cinerea, with an inhibition rate of 99%. CNY-04 could not produce pyr- rolnitrin, hydrocyanic acid, and hydrolases, but could produce siderophore and proteinase. The antibacterial ma- terial had a high thermal stability and acid-based stability. Antibacterial substances were induced by B. cinerea. The bacteriostatic mechanism was completely different from that previously reported.
出处 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期73-77,共5页 Plant Protection
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2007AA021306)
关键词 格氏沙雷菌 灰霉病菌 抑菌作用 理化性质 Serratia grimesii Botrytis cinerea antagonistic substance physicochemical property
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