

Modeling continuous data protection
摘要 在数据规模急剧膨胀的信息时代,数据安全保护技术尤为重要。数据连续保护技术作为一种有效的数据保护手段,能够有效应对软硬件失效、用户误操作等带来的数据失效问题。为了更好地指导实际应用中的数据连续保护机制设计,在综合分析现有研究基础上,提出了基于集合论的统一数据连续性保护模型。针对模型的实际应用情形,从数据复制频率、版本恢复时间、存储开销等方面分析了模型特性。最后,采用联机事务处理系统的实际数据评估了模型的有效性。 Data protection is a vital issue in information age when the data size is rapidly expanded. As a useful data protecting scheme, continuous data protection mechanism can address data outage raised by software and hardware failure, user errors and so on. In order to guide the continuous data protection mechanism design, this paper proposed a universal model for continuous data protection schemes. And then we analyze and proposed the formal description of data replication frequency, recovery time and storage overhead. At last, we evaluated the effectiveness of our model by actual trace in online transae- tlon processing systems.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期7-14,共8页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60903204 61070201)
关键词 连续性数据保护机制 模型分析 恢复点目标 恢复时间目标 continuous data protection modeling research recovery point objective recovery time objective
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