采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对 115头皖南花母猪血清转铁蛋白 (Tf)多态性进行检测 ,并用二因素有互作的最小二乘模型对不同Tf基因型与母猪繁殖力的关系进行分析。结果表明 ,皖南花母猪Tf位点受 3个等位基因控制 (TfA、TfB 和TfC) ,Tf位点基因的遗传多样性指数为0 390 7,Shannon信息指数为 0 9985。不同转铁蛋白类型的皖南花母猪繁殖性能存在一定差异 ,其中TfAA个体的产仔数、产活仔数和断奶仔猪数较高 ,TfBC型个体相应指标较差 ,二者在窝产仔数上差异达到显著水平 (P <0 0 5)。但其他Tf型母猪产仔性状的最小二乘均数差异均不显著 (P >0 0 5)。同时 ,Tf型与分娩季节之间有较强的互作效应。
By vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,the polymorphism of the Serum Transferrin(Tf)of 115 Wannan Spotted Sows has been studied,and the relationships between Tf Genotypes and the sows reproductive performance have been analyzed by the least square model of two factors with interaction.The results showed that the Tf locus was controlled by three allels,Tf A,Tf B and Tf C.The Genetic Diversity Index(h)and the Shannon Information Index(P)at Tf locus were 0 390 7,0 998 5,respectively.The variations of reproductive performance of Wannan Spotted Sows existed among different Tf genotypes were significant ( p <0 05)in the number of live born(NLB),weaning pigs and mean weight at 21 days,respectively.Meanwhile,the individual Tf AA was the highest in the three aspects of litter size,NLB,and litter size at weaning,comparing with Tf BC ′s relatively poorer reproductive performance( p <0 05)in litter size.Furthermore,there was strong interactive effect between Tf genotypes and the breeding season.
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
安徽省八五攻关项目! (皖科技字 [1991348号 ] )