
宫颈脱落细胞RASSF1A基因甲基化在宫颈癌中的临床意义 被引量:4

Promoter methylation of RASSF1A gene in exfoliated cervical cytology from cervical carcinoma and its clinical application
摘要 目的研究宫颈脱落细胞RAS相关区域家族1A(RASSF1A)基因启动子甲基化在宫颈癌中的临床意义。方法应用甲基化特异性聚合酶链反应检测宫颈癌患者和健康女性宫颈脱落细胞RASSF1A基因启动子甲基化,分析与病理因素间的关系。结果宫颈癌患者宫颈脱落细胞RASSF1A基因启动子甲基化率为64.0%,高于健康女性的1.3%(P<0.05)。宫颈脱落细胞RASSF1A基因启动子甲基化率在宫颈癌不同组织学分级、肿瘤最大径、淋巴结转移、器官转移、Figo分期患者间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论宫颈脱落细胞RASSF1A基因启动子甲基化与宫颈癌病理因素密切相关,可作为宫颈癌病情判断和预后评估的标志物。 Objective To detect promoter methylation of Ras association domain family 1A (RASSF1A) gene in exfoliated cervical cytology in cervical carcinoma and study its clinical application. Methods Methylation specific polymerase chain reaction was applied to detect RASSF1A gene promoterts methylation in exfoliated cervical cytology from cervical carcinoma patients and healthy females. The relationship between clinicopathological factors and RASSF1A gene promoter's methylation was analyzed. Results The methylation rate in exfoliated cervical cytology from cervical carcinoma patients was 64.0, higher than 1. 3% in healthy females (P〈0.05). The differences of RASSF1A geners methylation rates in histology staging, tumor diameters, lymph node metastasis, metastasis and Figo staging were statistics significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion Methylation of RASSF1A gene promoter could be served as a tumor hiomarker for cervical carcinoma in disease condition and prognosis evaluation.
出处 《检验医学与临床》 CAS 2013年第12期1518-1519,共2页 Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
关键词 宫颈癌 RAS相关区域家族1A 甲基化 临床意义 cervical carcinoma RASSFIA methylation clinical application
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