
伊犁河谷平欧杂交榛子栽培现状调查分析 被引量:7

Investigation and Analysis on the Present Cultivation of Corylus heterophylla Fisch.× Corylus avellana L.in Ili Area
摘要 为了解平欧杂交榛子在新疆伊犁河谷的生长情况、抗逆性、榛子园管理现状、近几年产量及效益情况,对伊犁州直伊宁县、霍城县、察布查尔县等地的1~7年生共5个榛子园进行入户实地调查。结果表明,伊犁河谷杂交平欧榛子栽培管理存在显著差异,其中察布查尔县察布查尔镇宁古新牛录村0.067hm26年生生产园杂交平欧榛子管理水平较高,平均树高2.36m,平均胸径16.25cm,平均新梢长度33.8cm,平均新梢粗度0.48cm,2011年总产量133kg,收入为7980元;伊宁县莫洛托乎提于孜乡上吾宫村0.67hm26年生平榛生产园管理粗放,投入少,2011年总产量90kg,收入仅为4050元。在伊犁地区,栽培和发展平欧杂交榛子要从本地区培育或购置苗木,努力提高经营管理水平,进行丰产攻关,提高苗木质量和果品产量,带动区域经济发展。 In order to investigate and analyze the present cultivation state and habitat condition of Corylus heterophylla Fisch.x Corylus avellana L. in Ili. 5 hazelnut orchards which were 1-7 years old were investigated based on field survey in Chabuchar, Huocheng and Yining County in Ili area. The results showed that: there were significant differences existing between the cultivation and management. Among them, the 0.067 hm2 hazelnut orchards which was 6 years old in Ningguxinniulu village, town of Chabuchar County with higher levels of management, its average height, average DBH, average shoot length were 2.36 m, 16.25 cm, 33.8 cm, 0.48 cm respectively, with yield of 133 kg in the year of 2011, and the total income was. 7980 yuan. Compared with 0.67 hm2 hazelnut orchards which were 6 years old in Shangwugong Villages, town of Yining County, with yield of 90 kg in the same year, the total income only was 4050 yuan. The reason was that the extensive management and less input. The cultivation and development of Corylus heterophylla Fiseh. x Corylus avellana L. in Ili area should be purchase seedlings from local area, make great efforts to improve management level, improve the quality of seedlings and their yield, so as to drive the development of regional economy.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第16期45-48,共4页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家林业局三北防护林体系建设四期工程林业科技推广项目"榛子优良品种栽培技术示范推广"(2010-14)
关键词 平欧杂交榛子 栽培现状 分析 Corylus heterophylla Fisch.xCorylus avellana L. present cultivation analysis
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