利用雷州半岛广泛养殖的马氏珠母贝及珍珠生产中大量废弃的珍珠贝体成熟性腺 ,获取贝类幼体作为饵料来培育斑节对虾苗。通过比较不同投喂方式的对虾幼体的变态率 ,各时期的成活率和出苗率来探讨贝类幼体替代或部分替代卤虫卵的可行性。研究结果表明 ,投喂珠母贝幼体的试验池比投喂卤虫幼体、骨条藻的对虾幼体早期变态率要高 ,而平均出苗率以投喂卤虫幼体的池最高 ,为 4 9.8% ;投喂珠母贝幼体的池略低 ,为 4 0 .4 % ;而前期仅投喂骨条藻的虾苗出苗率明显较低 ,为 2 7.4 %。表明马氏珠母贝幼虫的适口性较好 ,营养也能满足对虾幼体成长所需 ,因此使用马氏珠母贝幼虫做饵料 ,既能提高对虾育苗成活率 ,又可降低生产成本 。
In this paper, the feed value of the larva of pinctada fucata in the production of the fry of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, were studied. The mollusk larva were gained by inducing spawning or artificial fertilization of the eggs from living pearl oysters or discarded oyster cadaver. Comparisons of the nutrition values of oyster larva and brine shrimp (Artemia nauplii) for the larvae of Penaeus monodon were carried out. The results are clear that the zoaea survival rate in 5 days of tiger shrimp fed with oyster larva was higher than with larva of brine shrimp: the former was 69.8%~71.5% and later was 64.0%~67.4%, the final survival rate of shrimp fry fed with larva of brine shrimp was 49.8%, the highest in the three testing groups. The authors suggest that a satisfactory fry production system would be actualized at lower cost if the tiger shrimp were fed the larvae of pearl oyster accompanied with small quantity of the larvae of brine shrimp.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University