以镍作自然参比元素 ,用元素相关图法分析了南海东北部红海湾表层沉积物中铅、锌含量的分布和污染状况。结果表明 :红海湾已经受到人为来源的铅、锌影响 ,但其影响的范围和强度目前尚小 ,仅在湾顶河口浅水区有轻微污染 ,湾中部养殖区、南部自然水域和湾口礁滩护养增殖区尚未受到人为来源的铅、锌影响。元素相关图提供了有关污染区域、污染点。
Nickel was used as a natural refference element, the distribution and pollution of some heavy metals in the surficial sediments of Honghai Bay were discussed by means of “element relation chart”. Although the activity of man had affected on the surficial sediments of this Bay, the polluion of lead and zinc was little both in range and in strength. The top part of the Bay was slightly contaminated by lead and zinc, meanwhile, the middle part, south, and mouth of the Bay were clean. The “element relation chart” may easily give us the information about the area, place, range, and contaminants of pollution.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University
国家"九五"攻关项目! (合同号 :96 - 0 0 8- 0 3- 0 4)