
空间监视雷达工作模式研究 被引量:1

Study of Operation Mode of Space Surveillance Radar
摘要 分析和讨论了现有几种空间监视雷达的工作模式、特点及不足,在此基础上,提出利用波束驻留模式进行空间目标探测的思想,从雷达检测性能方面对比了该模式与传统波束扫描模式的潜在探测能力,得出了驻留模式在远距离目标探测方面较传统波束扫描相控阵雷达更具优势的结论。最后,通过理论分析和仿真实验对比了2种模式的检测性能。 The operation modes of existing space surveillance radar are analyzed, and the princi- ples and shortcomings are discussed. A new idea based on beam residing mode is proposed and a con- clusion is drawn which indicates that, compares to traditional beam scanning mode, the detection per- formance of residing mode is much more competitive in far-range target detection potential. Finally, the feasibility of the mode is discussed and detection performance of these two modes is compared through academic analysis and simulation.
作者 徐灿 李智
出处 《装备学院学报》 2013年第3期86-90,共5页 Journal of Equipment Academy
基金 新世纪优秀人才支持计划
关键词 空间监视雷达 波束驻留模式 波束扫描模式 远距离目标探测 space surveillance radar beam resides mode beam scanning mode far-range target detection
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