目的:探讨细胞DNA倍体分析在宫颈筛查中的应用.方法:宫颈糜烂患者500例,由妇科医生留取标本,用麦克奥迪(厦门)全自动细胞图像分析系统对标本行Feulgen染色后进行DNA定量分析系统自动扫描分析;对有异常者进一步作阴道镜检查或活检确诊.结果:500例中发现有异常者60例,其中1~2个异倍体细胞的36例,≥3个异倍体细胞的24例,病理检查结果显示:正常者4例,宫颈炎19例,宫颈上皮内瘤样病变CINⅠ15例,CINⅡ8例,CINⅢ 11例,宫颈癌3例,DNA倍体分析系统与病理诊断符合率为93.3%(56/60).结论:全自动DNA倍体分析系统可以作为辅助方法,对宫颈及其癌前病变早期诊断具有重要的参考价值.
Objective:To observe the clinical value of DNA ploidy pattern analysis in screening for cervical cancer. Methods:500 samples from cervical erosion patients were analysed by DNA ploidy pattern analysis system. Furthermore, the abnormal of all were confirmed by histopathology.Results:60 abnormal cases were found by DNA ploidy pattern analysis system. Of these, there was one or two heteroploid cells in 36 cases and more than 3 heteroploid cells in 24. The results of histopathology diagnosis shows 19 cases of Cervicitis, 15 of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I (CIN I ), 8 of CIN I], 11 of CIN IU, 3 of cervical cancer and 4 of normal among 60 abnormal cases. The diagnose accordance rate was 93.3% between DNA ploidy pattern analysis system and histopathology diagnosis. Conclusions:As a sumplemetary method, DNA ploidy pattern analysis system is of great value for early diagnosis of cervical cancer.
Journal of Anhui Health Vocational & Technical College