
武汉市过江通道ETC收费方案研究 被引量:2

ETC Charging for Cross River Tunnels in Wuhan
摘要 武汉是国内首个成功实施ETC拥堵收费的城市。通过对ETC收费方案进行述评,系统分析了方案的优点与不足;通过引入时间价值这一关键参数,应用武汉市交通预测模型,对方案实施的影响进行科学预测与评价。同时,研判实施中可能出现的问题,采用定性与定量分析相结合、多方案比选论证等方法,制订切实可行的交通管理方案,降低ETC收费对城市交通运行的影响,保障收费方案顺利实施。 Wuhan is the first city to successfully implement ETC congestion charging in China.This paper systematically analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various ETC-charging plans and predicts and evaluates the impacts of these plans by introducing the parameter of time value and applying the travel forecasting models in Wuhan.To address the possible issues during plan implementation,the paper also develops effective traffic management measures to reduce the impact of ETC charging on urban transportation operation and promote the implementation of ETC charging by using qualitative and quantitative evaluation and multiple alternative decision-making methods.
作者 路静 陈光华
出处 《城市交通》 2013年第3期69-75,共7页 Urban Transport of China
关键词 城市交通 不停车电子收费(ETC) 交通需求管理 时间价值 武汉市过江通道 urban transportation Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) travel demand management time value cross river tunnels in Wuhan
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