
棉浆制备纳晶纤维素的研究 被引量:1

Study on the Preparation of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Cotton Pulp
摘要 以棉浆纤维为原料通过硫酸水解法制备纳晶纤维素(NCC),探讨了硫酸浓度、反应温度和水解时间对NCC得率的影响,采用正交实验优化了工艺条件,并用扫描电镜(SEM)和粒度分析仪对NCC的形貌和尺寸进行表征及分析。结果表明,当硫酸浓度64%、反应温度50℃、水解时间5 h时,NCC得率最高,达到60%以上;所得NCC呈棒状,横截面直径约为30 nm,棒长分布范围较窄,平均棒长为247.9 nm。 In the study, nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) was prepared from cotton pulp fibers by the method of sulfuric acid hydrolysis, the effects of sulihric acid concentration, reaction temperature and hydrolysis time on the yield of NCC were investigated and the preparation conditions were optimized by orthogonal experiment. The yield of NCC was the highest, more than 60%, when sulfuric acid concentration was 64%, reaction temperature was 50℃ and the hydrolysis time was 5 h. The morphology and size of NCC were analysised by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and particle size analyzer, the average particle size was 247.9 nm and the particle size distribution was concentrated.
出处 《国际造纸》 2013年第3期34-39,共6页 World Pulp and Paper
关键词 棉浆 纳晶纤维素 硫酸 水解 得率 粒度分析 cotton pulp nanocrystalline cellulose sulfuric acid hydrolysis yield particle size analysis
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