
飞机蜂窝复合材料板压缩过程的声发射定位研究 被引量:6

Acoustic Emission Location on Compression Process of Aircraft Cellular Composite Materials
摘要 声发射检测的主要目的是发现声发射源和有关源的信息,声发射源定位是声发射检测中至关重要的指标,其准确程度反映了声源的检测位置与实际缺陷源位置的符合程度。本研究针对复合材料的特性,结合实际情况进行了声速和衰减测量实验,并通过断铅实验对复合板进行声发射定位。通过对复合材料板压缩实验的在线监测,基于声发射信号参数的提取及关联图分析,给出了各损伤阶段的参数特征,以及声发射监测区域内的裂纹萌生扩展断裂的时间和位置。研究结果表明,复合板实际断裂位置与声发射监测得出的位置相吻合。 The main purpose of acoustic emission testing is to discover acoustic emission (AE) sources and information about those sources. So AE source localization is crucial for Acoustic emission detection. The accuracy of AE.source location reflects the extent to which the source location conforms to actual defect position. In this paper, combined with the characteristics of the composite material and the actual situation, the sound velocity and attenuation measurement experiments were carried out. Simultaneously, the broken lead test on the composite plate were carried out for AE sources localization. Through on-line monitoring for composite material plate compression experiment, based on the acoustic emission signal parameters extraction and image correlation analysis, the characteristics parameters of each' damage stage together with time and position of crack initiation, propagation and fracture in the acoustic emission monitoring area were obtained. The resul showed that the actual fracture position of composite materials was consistent with the AE monitoring location.
出处 《失效分析与预防》 2013年第3期151-155,共5页 Failure Analysis and Prevention
基金 南昌航空大学无损检测技术重点实验室开放基金(ZD201129005)
关键词 复合材料 声发射 定位 composite materials acoustic emission(AE) source locate
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