
鞋跟高度对中老年女性步态及下肢受力的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Heel Height on the Gait and Leg Dynamics of Middle-aged and Elderly Female
摘要 利用实验室用BTS三维动作捕捉分析系统(BTS SMART DX 500),对6名中老年女性志愿者进行了步态的测试,从分析步态周期、地面反作用力峰值、鞋底压力中心轨迹和膝关节内翻矩入手,研究了不同鞋跟高度对中老年女性步态平衡性和膝关节受力的影响。研究发现:10mm跟高鞋的平衡性较好,且在单腿支撑初期所需缓冲力(缓冲人体重心前移)最小;随着鞋跟高度的增加,膝关节内翻矩第1峰值越来越大,鞋跟高度对膝关节内翻矩第2峰值影响较小。 Using the BTS SMART DX 500 in laboratory, the gait test for middle-aged and elderly female volunteers were captured. Effects of the different heel height on middle-aged and elderly female's gait balance and knee joint force were studied from the analysis of gait cycle, ground reaction force peak, the center of sole force track and knee adduction moment. The result shows that the 10mm heel shoes possess well balance and smaller buffer force properties in single leg support at the early stage (buffer body weight forward); the first peak of knee adduction moment is bigger with the higher heel height, and the influence of the height on the second peak of knee adduction moment is little.
出处 《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第14期124-126,共3页 China Leather
基金 科技部2013年度科研院所技术开发研究专项资金资助 项目编号:2013EG111217
关键词 鞋跟高度 中老年女性 步态 膝关节内翻矩 heel height middle-aged and elderly female gait knee adduction moment
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