
用于FEL-THz电子束测量的LW系统 被引量:1

Laser wire system for FEL-THz electron beam diagnostics
摘要 基于汤姆逊背散射的激光丝扫描(LW)方法作为无阻拦电子横向尺寸测量手段,近年来广泛应用于高能对撞机和能量回收环直线加速器。为在连续模式下测量高平均功率相干强太赫兹源的直流光阴极电子枪(DC-gun)电子束横向束斑,本文提出了一种基于驱动激光器分束的高重复频率,较低脉冲功率的新型LW系统。通过理论及模拟分析,证明该系统相对于常规LW系统具有成本低、精度高、探测时间短、对电子束影响小的优势,并给出了用于自由电子激光太赫兹(FEL-THz)装置DC-gun出口电子束LW系统的实验设计。 The laser wire(LW) method has been demonstrated as an effective non-interceptive technique for measuring transverse electron beam size of CW FELs and ERLs.To measure the beam size of a CW DC gun,which is built as an electron source of FEL-THz facility in China Academy of Engineering Physics(CAEP),a high repetition LW system is proposed.The first prototype system is going to be installed at the exit of the DC gun,where the energy of electron beam is extremely low.In this paper,the LW system adapted to the FEL beam parameters is discussed,and the main parameters are given.With numerical calculation and Particle-in-Cell simulation,the high repetition LW system is proved to be lower-cost,higher-precision,faster-scanning and lower-influence than normal LW.The experiment proposal of the first high repetition LW is also introduced.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第B05期141-144,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 中国工程物理研究院发展基金项目(2011B0402070)
关键词 激光丝扫描 FEL-THz 直流光阴极枪 电子束测量 laser wire FEL-THz photocathode DC electron gun electron beam measurement
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