目的:探讨影响雄激素性秃发(androgenic alopecia,AGA)患者治疗依从性的相关因素,以期有针对的制定治疗策略。方法:采用问卷调查的方式,对501例半年以上未复诊的AGA患者进行电话调查。调查内容包括患者一般情况、文化程度、经济状况、用药时间以及未复诊的原因,并对所得资料进行统计学分析。结果:影响总体依从性的首要因素为自认为无效,而丧失治疗信心。随着患者年龄的增加,治疗脱落的发生率也随之增加。124例(24.75%)并未接受治疗,而女性患者,治疗的第2个月脱落率明显增加,男性患者治疗到12个月时的治疗脱落率增加。按学历看,文化程度越高脱落率越低。按收入情况看,脱落率的高峰在月收入≤5000元组(42.51%),随着月收入的增加,脱落率也随之降低。结论:疗效是影响AGA患者依从性的关键因素,而患者的年龄、经济条件、文化水平与治疗时间也影响着患者的治疗依从性。治疗前有针对性的对患者进行宣教,治疗过程中与患者加强沟通,可以显著降低AGA患者治疗的脱落率。
Objective: To explore the compliance of patients with androgenic alopecia and its influential factors in order to make therapeutic strategies. Methods: A self-designed questionnaire survey was used in this study, 501 patients with andro- genic alopecia who did not return more than six months received telephone interview. The survey was including the patients' basic information, degree of education, financial situation, the duration of drug use, and the reason of the failure to subsequent visit, and then statistical analysis was given to acquired data. Results: For the treatment compliance, the primary determinant of the influential factors was that the ineffective response leaded to the loss of the confidence. With the age increasing, the drop-out rate became high accordingly. One hundred and twenty-four (24.75%) patients accepted no therapy and the highest drop-out rates for the male and female AGA patients were the subjects with the duration of drug use of 2 months and 12 months. According to their education background, the higher of the degree of education, was the lower of the drop-out rate. In the view of income situations, the highest drop-out rate was the group with monthly income less than five thousand yuan (42.51%), and with the increase of the income, the drop-out rate also reduced. Conclusion: The efficacy was the key factor for the compliance of the treatment of the AGA patients. Furthermore, the patients' age, economic condition, cultural level and duration of treatment also affect the compliance. Targeted education before treatment and communication with the patient in the process of the treatment can markedly reduce the drop-out rate of AGA patients.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology
androgenic alopecia
treatment compliance
influential factors