
表面-内嵌式电机永磁体设计及特性分析 被引量:7

Permanent Magnet Design and Characteristic Analysis of Surface-mounted and Bulit-in Motor
摘要 针对表面式永磁电机具有弱磁调速范围小,功率密度低;内嵌式永磁电机存在转矩脉动大,漏磁凸出缺陷,本文提出一种新型表面-内嵌永磁转子同步电机新结构。在满足永磁同步电机的性能达到最优的条件下,建立电机的有限元模型,分析了改变永磁体的极弧系数和磁化方向的等方式对电机转矩波动、效率、功率因数等性能的影响,比较分析得出比较合理永磁体情况下的新型混合式永磁同步电机模型。 For defects of surface permanent magnet motor with field weakening speed range, low power den-sity and built-in permanent magnet motor with torque ripple, magnetic flux leakage, therefore, the paper proposed new rotor structure of permanent magnet synchronous motor. The finite element model of the new hybrid permanent magnet synchronous motor was established to analyze the motor torque ripple, efficiency, power factor performance by changing permanent magnet pole arc coefficient and magnetization direction, which was to meet the permanent magnet synchronous motor in optimal performances conditions. New hybrid permanent magnet synchronous motor model was attained with the comparative analysis in the more reasona- ble permanent magnet case condition.
出处 《微电机》 北大核心 2013年第6期13-18,共6页 Micromotors
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51277054) 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(20104116120001) 河南省科技厅科技攻关项目(122102210118)
关键词 表面-内嵌永磁转子同步电机 永磁体形状 有限元法 性能分析 surface-mounted and bulit-in permanent magnet rotor synchronous motor magnet shape finiteelement method characteristic Analysis
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