
不同因素刺激下链状弹力圈弹性衰减的实验研究 被引量:2

Different vitro factors investigation on force degradation of elastomeric chain
摘要 目的体外比较临床常用4种链状弹力圈,固定拉伸长度后,在不同条件下,力值随拉伸时间衰减规律。方法测力计测量3M公司生产的四种弹力圈:结扎皮圈、单个圈橡皮链、含四个圈的长间隔和无间隔橡皮链在室温空气、50℃水、75%医用酒精及可乐中,分别浸泡1、2、4、8、24h,3、5、7d,2、3、4周,使用数显式推拉力计检测各个时间点4种链状弹力圈的弹力值,并观察力值随时间的变化规律。结果 4种链状弹力圈的弹力值在浸泡介质中均随时间衰减(P<0.05),不同链状弹力在不同介质的衰减不同。结论酒精与50℃水会加速弹力圈的弹力衰减,建议正在矫正的患者在饮食中避免吃过热过烫的食物,尽量少饮酒,以免影响正畸效果。 Objective To compare the force degradation of four kinds of elastomeric chains under different conditions in vitro. Methods Force of four elastomeric chains of 3M was evaluated under room temperature, 50 ℃ water, 75% medical alcohol, cola at 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks. Results The force value of elastomeric chains decays with time, different materials in different media were affected. Conelusion Different elastomeric chains at 50℃ water and alcohol attenuate the fastest. We recommend orthodontic patients avoid to eat hot foods in the diet, drink less as far as possible, in order to reduce the impact of orthodontic effect.
出处 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期56-59,共4页 Fujian Medical Journal
关键词 链状弹力圈 酒精 可乐 力值衰减 水温 elastomeric chain medical alcohol cola force degradation water temperature
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