<正> 1990年8月1日凌晨04时44分许,山东苍山县境内发生4.4级(M_L)地震。苍山县、临沂市西部及枣庄市东部强烈有感,震感波及鲁南和苏北近二十个县市。这是近几年来苏鲁沿海交界地区发生的又一次令人注目的显著地震事件。这次地震发生于台站密度较大的区域微震台网之内,尤其苍山地震台(64型地震仪,放大倍数 V_0=8×10~4)距离震中仅约16km 左右,较完整地记录了这次地震的前震及余震序列,从而提供了较翔实的仪器记录资料。本文拟利用丰富的地震波实测资料。
The earthguake (M_L4.4)was occured on Aug.1 of 1990 in Changshan,Shandong.It
shows that the maglifitude of the event is not high but the epicentral intensity is high and
stress drop is obvious in quantity.The directions including the axes of isoseismal map and
the B plane of the mechanism solution as well as the distribution of the main-aftershocks
conform to the strike of Changli fault zone,i.e.the all directions are North-West.
The another characteristics of the event are showed as following:
The cluster-quietness of aftershocks appeared alternately.H value of the earthquake
sequence is high but K value and U value are bellow.It is shows that the Q factor of the
media in West of Shandong is higher than the Yishu fault zone's.This case are in keeping
with the results obtained by seismie sounding.
Journal of Seismology