

Review of Foreign Eidetic Image Study
摘要 遗觉像是一种罕见的视觉现象,主要存在于儿童当中.该课题的研究始于19世纪末并于20世纪80年代中断至今,留给学术界许多悬而未决的谜题.分析已有的研究文献,可以发现该课题的研究主要集中在以下五个方面:遗觉像的经典实验研究范式的研究;遗觉像产生的评判标准的讨论;遗觉像的外部特征的讨论;遗觉像的应用研究;遗觉像的理论探索.尽管学术界对遗觉像已有诸多讨论,但受制于研究方法和研究技术,遗觉像的研究已中断多年.随着近年来心理学研究方法和技术的革新,深化遗觉像的研究成为可能.因此,有必要对该课题进行再认知和再挖掘,可从神经生理机制、临床应用和儿童教育等方面推进遗觉像的深入研究. Eidetic image is a rare visual phenomenon, mainly seen in children. The study of eidetic image began in the late 19th century and was interrupted in the 1980s till now, leaving academia many unresolved puzzles. Based on the analysis of existing research literature, the previous studies can be divided into five aspects., the classic experimental paradigm; the definitive standard of eidetic image; the discussion of eidetic image's external characteristics; the study of eidetic image's application and the theoretical exploration of eidetic image. Although this phenomenon had been studied for years, it was interrupted because of limits in the research methods and technologies. With the innovation of psychology research methods and technology in recent years, it becomes possible to deepen the study of eidetic image. So it is necessary to rediscover the eidetic image phenomena, and the study can be promoted still further in the following three aspects: physiological mechanism, clinical application and children education.
作者 刘传军
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2013年第6期64-69,共6页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
关键词 遗觉像 后像 记忆表象 视觉记忆 eidetic image after-image memory image visual memory
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