The specific Chinese economy "two-track" system determined that the listed companies are influenced by different ultimate controllers, and therefore makes there exists difference of corporate value at different kind of companies. This paper use all A-shares listed Chinese companies of 2007 to 2011as the research data and subsided the listed companies into five kinds in accordance with their controlling characteristics: non-government controlling, county-government controlling, city-gov- ernment controlling, province-government controlling and central-government controlling, and the paper empirically analyzed the influence on corporate value of different government-levels controlling and non-government controlling. The result shows that: comparing with non-government controlled listed companies, the corporate values of those government-controlled companies are comparatively lower, and the corporate value of low-levels government (county, city-government) controlled companies are even lower. And the result also shows that the percentage of government-controlled listed companies is decreasing significantly, this shows that the Chinese economy's changing to non-government controlled economy began to show initial result.
Accounting and Finance
Government Controlling
Government Levels
Corporate Value