
1979年苏联入侵以来阿富汗社会结构的变化及其影响 被引量:3

The Changes of Afghan Society and Their Influence after the Soviet Union's Invasion in 1979
摘要 阿富汗传统社会的重要特点是民族多元化和部落的重要地位。抵抗运动对阿富汗社会的影响主要表现在:第一,促进了伊斯兰教的全面复兴。第二,带来了社会变动和重组:空前的人口迁徙;传统的贵族势力为新的军事精英取代,后者成为相互间矛盾重重的军阀;少数民族的社会政治地位提高。第三,抵抗运动推动了新思想的萌芽。在塔利班崩溃后,军阀大批进入了政府和议会,此后虽然逐渐被排除在外,同时政府发起了解除武装的运动,但军阀势力远未消失,地方上则出现了以武装组织领袖、贩毒集团和腐败官员形成的共生的社会结构,加上塔利班的复兴,使得国家重建面临着艰巨的挑战。 the main features of traditional Afghan society are the existence of many ethnic groups and the im- portant position of tribes. The influence of the Resistance on the Afghan society are : firstly, revival of Islam ; secondly, some social changes and reorganization, like the replacement of old rebels by new military elites as warlords and improved position of minorities ; thirdly, the birth of new thoughts. After the collapse of Taliban, many warlords entered the government and parliament, and their force remains in spite of their gradual disap- pearance from the political area and the disarm movement. In provinces, in addition to the revival of Taliban, there ap officials. peared a symbiotic social structure consist of leaders of military organizations, drug cartels and corrupt All of these are challenging the reconstruction of state.
作者 黄民兴
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期105-111,共7页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 苏联 阿富汗 普什图人 塔利班 社会结构 the Soviet Union invasion Afghanistan Pashtuns Taliban
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  • 1Country Profile: Afghanistan, Library of Congress - Federal Research Division, May 2006, p. 6.
  • 2Louis Dupree, Afghanistan, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1978, pp. 57 - 94.
  • 3Harry H. Smith et al. , Area Handbook for Afghanistan, 4th ed. , Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off. , 1973, p. 89.
  • 4Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 151 - 153.
  • 5Hallzullah Emadi, State, Revolution, and Superpowers in Afghanistan, New York: Praeger, 1990, pp. 120 - 121.
  • 6Beret Glatzer, "Afghan Nomads Trapped in Pakistan," in Bo Huldt and Erland Jansoon eds. , The Tragedy of Afghanistan: The Social, Cultural and Political Impact of the Soviet Invasion, London : Croom Helm, 1988, pp. 240 - 247.
  • 7Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistatwe in Afghanistan, Chap. 10 .
  • 8Jan - Heeren Grevemeyer, "Modernization from below : The Afghan Resistance between the Fight for Liberation and Social Emancipation," in Huldt and Jansoon eds. , The Tragedy of Afghanistan, pp. 134 - 136.
  • 9Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud: War and Warlords in Afghanistan, New York : Columbia University Press, 2009, p. 34.
  • 10Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud, p. 35.










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