
大政府还是小政府:灵巧型政府建构进路 被引量:12

Smaller Government or Bigger Government: Study on Smarter Government
摘要 工具主义研究路径中对政府规模分析强调大政府或小政府对经济增长和发展的不同影响,而21世纪金融危机后兴起的灵巧型政府理念摒弃传统思维中大小政府之争,并反思政府规模争论中的理论不足和实证冲突,提出未来灵巧型政府改革方向的理论建构。通过梳理国外近年来政府规模问题研究进展,进而分析和引介灵巧型政府建构所蕴含的理念特征及优势,以期为中国政府改革提供理论借鉴和实践素材。 Previous Studies on instrumentalism approach tend to focus on different impacts of different sizes of government on e- conomic growth and development. However, since the 21st century, especially influenced by the global financial cri- sis, scholars and practicers have rethought profoundly about the traditional arguments on the smaller or bigger gov- ernment inundated with theoretical insufficiency and empirical conflict. Currently, smart government has been put forward as a unique new concept with greater effect and staying power, which has been regarded as the foundation of government reform in some states of USA recently. Based on the review of current research progress in government sizes, this paper analyzes and introduces the construction idea of smart government, aiming at inspiring Chinese gov- ernment reform to make more achievement.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期18-21,共4页 Chinese Public Administration
关键词 灵巧型政府 小政府 大政府 政府规模 Smart Government Smaller Government Bigger Government Government Size
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