目的:探讨热休克蛋白70(Heat Shock Protein 70,HSP70)基因(HSPA1A)+190G〉C单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism,SNP)与有氧运动能力表型指标的关系。方法:试验对象为400名大学一年级学生,其中男生300名,女生100名,均为汉族。受试者以95%~105%个体通气无氧阈(VT)进行每周3次,每次5 000 m,为期18天的长跑训练。测定训练前后摄氧量绝对值(VO2)、摄氧量相对值(rVO2)、通气无氧阈(VT)和每分钟通气量(VE),并进行跑节省化试验。采用ABI7900HT的Taqman基因分型技术,检测HSP1A1基因+190G〉C位点基因型。结果:HSP1A1+190G〉C位点基因多态性与有氧运动能力表型存在关联,随着G等位基因的增加,个体有氧运动能力也在增加;有氧耐力训练前后,不同基因型者VO2max、rVO2max、VT/VO2和VE均无统计学差异(P〉0.05);有氧耐力训练前GG基因型个体RE/HR值显著低于GC和CC基因型者,且随着C基因型的增加,RE/HR值也逐渐增加,趋势检验发现具有剂量效应关系(Ptrend〈0.05);有氧耐力训练后不同基因型RE/HR和RE/VE值以及他们的变化率间差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05),且随着C基因型的增加,RE/HR和RE/VE值以及他们的变化率也逐渐增加,趋势检验发现具有剂量效应关系(Ptrend〈0.05)。结论:HSPA1A基因+190G〉C位点与有氧耐力训练后有氧运动能力表型存在关联,GG基因型个体具有较高的有氧运动能力水平。
Objective:To explore the associations between the heat shock protein 70 gene(HSPA1A)+190G>C polymorphisms and the aerobic capacity to aerobic endurance training program among healthy freshmen.Methods:A total of 400 healthy freshmen were included in the present study,including 300 boys and 100 girls and all were Han nationality.All subjects performed an aerobic endurance training program of 18-week 5000m running,3 times a week with the intensity of 95%-105% aerobic threshold.VO2max,rVO2max,VE,VT and VE were measured before and after the aerobic endurance training.Polymorphisms of HSP1A1 +190G>C were detected by Taqman single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)allelic discrimination by means of an ABI7900HT.Results:The +190G>C SNP in HSPA1A gene was associated with aerobic capacity in men and women,individual aerobic capacity is also increasing with the increase of the G allele.People with the HSPA1A GG genotype have lower RE/HR values,than carriers of the HSPA1A C190 allele after the endurance training(P<0.05),and there was a dose response relationship among the three genotype groups(Ptrend<0.05).After the endurance training the RE/HR and RE/VE values were significant reduced,and these values in GG genotype were significant lower than the C allele,and there were also dose response relationships among the three genotype groups(Ptrend<0.05).Conclusion:The +190G>C SNP in HSPA1A gene was not only associated with aerobic capacity but also with endurance training promotion.
Journal of Tianjin University of Sport