
跨层调度理论在LTE MIMO OFDM系统中的应用 被引量:1

The Application of Cross-layered Scheduling Theory to LTE MIMO OFDM System
摘要 首先介绍了MIMO OFDM及其关键技术,随后在介绍跨层技术的基础上,从MIMO中自适应调制与ARQ结合的跨层设计、M IM O OFDM A混合业务的跨层分组调度算法、OFDM系统的跨层传输技术等方面介绍了MIMO OFDM的跨层优化应用。 It first presents MIMO OFDM and its key technologies, describes the cross-layer technology, gives the cross-layer optimization application of MIMO OFDM from the cross-layer design, cross-layer packet scheduling algorithm of MIMO OFDM hybrid service, cross-layer transmission technology of OFDM system.
出处 《邮电设计技术》 2013年第6期43-47,共5页 Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 跨层调度 多输入多输出 正交频分复用 自适应调制 混合业务 Cross-layer scheduling MIMO OFDM Adaptive modulation Hybrid service
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