Five forest landscapes in the maps of forest distribution in Heilongjiang Province in 1896 and 1986 were digitized and analyzed through GIS software. The results show that during the 90 years the total patch areas for Picea and Abies forest, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litvin forest and Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. forest had decreased about 87%, 40% and 84%, respectively. However, the total patch areas for broad leaved forest at the north of 51°N area had increased about 500%. The north frontier of broad leaved forest had moved towards northwest about 290 km. The fractal dimensions of Picea and Abies forest and mixed coniferous and broad leaved forest in 1986 were less than theirs in 1896, respectively. However, the fractal dimension of Pinus synvestris forest, Pinus koraiensis and broad leaved forest were more than theirs in 1896, respectively. Picea and Abies forest, Pinus synvestris forest, Pinus koraiensis and broad leaved forest became more fragmented. The transition percentages of Pinus sylvestris forest, Picea and Abies forest, Pinus koraiensis forest to themselves were less than the percentages to the mixed coniferous and broad leaved forest, respectively.
通过用地理信息系统软件对 1896和 1986年的黑龙江省的森林分布图中提取的 5种森林景观进行处理和计算得到 :在 90年中 ,云杉 (Picea)、冷杉 (Abies)林、樟子松 (Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolicaLitvin)林和阔叶红松 (PinuskoraieusisSieb .etZucc .)林斑块总面积分别减少 87%、40 %和 84%。北纬 5 1°以北地区阔叶林斑块面积增加 5 0 0 % ,北界向西北扩展约 2 90km。云杉、冷杉林和针阔混交林斑块在 1986年的斑块的分维数小于 1896年的斑块的分维数 ,而樟子松林、阔叶红松林和阔叶林的 1986年斑块分维数都分别大于 1896年的分维数。云杉、冷杉林、樟子松林、阔叶红松林和阔叶林景观破碎化增加。云杉、冷杉林 ,樟子松林和阔叶红松林转化为针阔混交林的比率大于各自保留的比率。
TheNationalKeyBasicResearchSpecialFoundation (G1990 43 4 0 0 )
TheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina ( 3 973 0 110 )