很久很久以来,华夏大地上流传着一首大人小孩都会咏诵的敕勒歌:“敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”。人们把这首古老的鲜卑族民歌,看作是对内蒙古自然景观的绝妙描绘。展现在人们眼前的天地时空是多么辽阔、多么神秘、多么协调祥和、多么诱人和令人向往啊! 草原是一部“天书”,记载着自然历史演变的轨迹! 草原是人类古老文化的发祥地,华夏民族生存繁衍的摇篮! 保护草原,建设草原,把美丽富饶的草原,留给后辈儿孙,这是当代人的神圣职责。
The Inner Mongolia Grassland, between the forest and desert belts in the middle latitude area in China, is the home to drought-and coldness-enduring hebaceous plants and various animals.There are 1,519 kinds of seed plants in Inna Mongolia, 42.2 percent of the total in China. Nearly 20 of them are listed as rare and precious species.The grassland with sparse woods is a unique scene in the region. It is really a natural museum showing the evolution his-tory of the nature. Now, there are many nature reserves established in the region.There are 551 kinds of vertebrates, eight kinds of amphibians and 82 kinds of fish on the grassland. Representative animals here are good at running or digging.There are also a number of wetlands in the region, becoming habitats of travelling birds.Inner Mongolia Grassland, once rich of plant and animal resources, is now badly in need of protection, which ensures the ecological environment and sustainable development in the region.
Man and the Biosphere