
浅析澳大利亚在南海地区的战略利益 被引量:2

An Analysis of Australia's Strategic Interest in the South China Sea
摘要 近两年来,澳大利亚对南海局势亦开始予以密切关注,成为影响南海问题发展的新的外部因素。澳大利亚对南海事务的介入受多种国家利益的驱动。从经济层面看,澳大利亚在南海地区有着重要利益;从安全层面看,南海所处的东南亚地区是澳大利亚安全防范的主要区域;从政治层面看,介入南海事务有助于澳大利亚扮演更重要的国际角色。然而,受国家综合实力的限制,澳大利亚上述几项战略利益诉求彼此之间存在一定的矛盾性。 China Sea, thus Over the past two years, Australia has also begun to pay close attention to the situation of the South becoming a new external factor affecting the development of the South China Sea dispute. Austral- ia' s involvement in the South China Sea affairs is prompted by a variety of national interests. In terms of economy, Australia has an important interest in the South China Sea area, and in the security perspective, Southeast Asia re- gion where the South China Sea lies is the main defense area of Australia. From the political perspective, the in- volvement in the South China Sea affairs is conductive to Australia' s playing a more important international role. However, due to limitations of its comprehensive national strength, Australia is likely to experience some contradic- tions among the abovementioned strategic interest demands.
作者 袁野 王光厚
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期106-111,共6页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 中国海洋发展研究中心2012年青年项目"澳大利亚的南海政策研究"(项目编号AOCQN201205)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 澳大利亚 南海地区 国家利益 Australia the South China Sea national interests
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