To solve the problem that it is difficult to express the internal properties of stratified geological bodies in 3D geological modeling,a finite element meshing method is applied in the stratified geological body modeling.A tetrahedral meshing method on stratified geological bodies is studied on the basis of Netgen.Taking the geological drilling data as the modeling data source,a 3D surface model of the geological body is constructed according to the drilling data stratification,and the external shape of stratified geological body is described by constituting a closed triangulate surface bounding volume.Combining with the strong geometric self-adaption performance and detail subdivision control functions of Netgen,the spatial region division is meshed on the 3D surface model using tetrahedron meshing method,and then the 3D model of complex shape stratified geological body can be built accurately.The input and output data structure of Netgen and the process of transforming from geological drilling data to STL data and from STL data to Netgen meshing data are analyzed.The building of multiple terrane models in a mining area shows that the method is stable,reliable and effective.
Computer Aided Engineering