通过对山东省 70年代至 90年代玉米杂交种主要农艺性状的分析 ,认为玉米杂交种产量的提高 ,主要是由于选育了紧凑型品种而增加了密度、公顷粒数和提高了子粒千粒重 ,其次是增加穗行数和穗粒数 ;山东省 70年代至 90年代玉米杂交种主要农艺性状的演变规律分为逐渐上升型 (有产量、公顷株数、公顷穗数、公顷粒数和千粒重等性状 )、逐渐下降型 (小斑病病级 )和平稳发展型 (有株高、穗粒高、穗长、穗粒数、穗行数、大斑病和生育期等性状 )三种类型。
By analysising main agronomic characters of maize hybrid in Shandong province among70'-90'S,we found that the main reason of impvoving yield in maize breeding,practice process was inreasing in density,grain number per ha and 1000-seed-weight by selecting tight plant type varieties.inreasing in row number per ear and.grain number per ear is a less-important reason for yield in maize hybrid.The development law was those characters such as yield per ha,plant number per ha,ear number per ha,grain number per ha and 1000-seed-weight tend to rise,the characters such as the degree of Southern blight of corn tends to decreased,and there were no regularity in plant height;ear positionear length;grain number perear;row number per ear;Northern blight of corn and growth stage.
Journal of Maize Sciences