
贝尔面瘫患者手术时机的选择与临床预后关系的研究 被引量:4

Study on relationship between operation timing and clinical prognosis of cases with Bell palsy
摘要 目的:研究贝尔面瘫患者发病后不同治疗时机和临床预后的关系。方法:收集2006-06-2009-12期间216例贝尔面瘫患者,按发病时间分成6组:1~2个月组、>2~3个月组、>3~4个月组、>4~5个月组、>5~6个月组、>6个月组。各组患者均行面神经次全程减压术及其他综合治疗,比较其临床预后与治疗时机的关系。结果:以面瘫分级标准(H-B)做为评判预后的标准,各组之间相互比较,发现患者预后与治疗时机差异有统计学意义。结论:贝尔面瘫患者不同治疗时机和临床预后有关,对于内科保守治疗1个月无效者,建议尽早行面神经次全程减压术。 Objective:To study on relationship between diverse handling time following onset and clinical prog nosis of cases with Bell palsy. Method:Two hundred and sixteen cases with Bell palsy, who were admitted in our department between Jun. 2006 and Dec. 2009, were collected and divided into 6 groups according to disease time: 1 2 months, 〉2--3 months,〉3--4 months,〉4--5 months,〉5-6 months, and 〉6 months. Cases in all groups received subtotal course decompression of facial nerve and other compound treatment, and the relationship between handling timing and clinical prognosis were compared. Result:It was found that the difference of prognosis and handling timing was statistically significant, after comparison between all groups with Facial Grading Stand ards(H-B) as the standard to assess prognosis. Conclusion:Clinical prognosis of cases with Bell palsy was related to alternative handling time, and subtotal course decompression of facial nerve was recommended to be perfomred as early as possible for those cases who were irresponsive after conservative treatment for one month.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第13期698-700,共3页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 贝尔面瘫 治疗方法 治疗时机 预后 面神经次全程减压术 Bell palsy treatment handling time prognosis subtotal course decompression of facial nerve
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