
CYP450氧化还原酶遗传多态性对CYP酶影响的研究进展 被引量:3

Progress on influence of cytochrome P450oxidoreductase polymorphisms on cytochrome P450monoxyfenases
摘要 细胞色素P450氧化还原酶(CytochromeP450oxidoreductase,POR)是将电子从NADPH转运至所有肝微粒体的细胞色素P450氧化酶(Cytochrome P450monooxygenases,CYP)中的唯一供体。药物、类固醇激素等物质的代谢和转化需要CYP参与。POR基因具有遗传多态性,遗传变异可以改变CYP活性,引起P450氧化还原酶缺陷(P450 oxidoreductase deficiency,PORD)、临床药物代谢和反应差异。本文将从POR的结构功能、基因突变引起的疾病及其对酶活性影响三个方面进行论述,总结近年来POR遗传多态性对CYP酶影响的最新研究进展。 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the only electron dornor for transferring electrons from NADPH to all microsome Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases(CYP).CYP is involved in the metabolism and transformation of drugs ,steroids and other substances. Polymorphisms and genetic variations of POR change the activity of CYP, resulting in P450 oxidoreductase deficiency (PORD), differences on drug metabolism and reaction. The review summarizes the recent research progress on influence of POR genetic polymorphisms on CYP from three parts: structure and function, disease and influence on enzymes.
作者 黄路 阳国平
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2013年第7期818-823,共6页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
关键词 CYP450氧化还原酶 细胞色素P450氧化酶 P450氧化还原酶缺陷 遗传多态 基因突变 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreduc-tase Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases P450oxidoreduetase deficiency~ Genetic polymor-phism Genetic variation
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