

Effects of over-expressed SorLA on β-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease
摘要 目的:探讨超表达SorLA对引发阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的β淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid,Aβ)的影响,以揭示SorLA表达与Aβ之间的作用关系。方法:采用Western blot测定脑组织中SorLA蛋白的表达分布,SorLA cDNA转染人胚胎肾细胞(HEK-293),以梯度浓度G418筛选SorLA cDNA细胞,采用Western blot测定转染后淀粉样前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein,APP)表达水平,采用ELISA测定Aβ表达水平。结果:(1)超表达SorLA转染组细胞提取物中的APP表达水平降低;(2)超表达SorLA转染组中Aβ表达水平降低(21.6±12.1)%(P<0.01)。结论:SorLA显著影响引发AD的Aβ表达水平,且两者呈负相关。 Objective:To investigate effects of over-expressed SorLA on β-amyloid(Aβ) in Alzheimer's disease and to reveal the relation between SorLA expressions and the total amount of Aβ.Methods:Western blot was used to analyze the levels of SorLA protein in brain tissue.Human embryonic kidney cells(HEK-293) were transfected with the plasmids carrying the SorLA interfered by SorLA cDNA(screened by G418) and expression levels of amyloid precursor protein(APP) were analyzed by Western blot.Levels of Aβ were measured by ELISA.Results:(1)Western blot showed that levels of APP were significantly reduced in the over-expression SorLA transfected group than in control group.(2)ELISA showed that the total amount of Aβ was reduced by(21.6±12.1)% obviously(P〈0.01).Conclusions:Total amount of Aβ is directly affected by levels of SorLA protein and they are negatively correlated.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期595-598,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:30960334) 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"资助项目(编号:NCET-09-0857) 内蒙古自治区"草原英才"工程
关键词 阿尔茨海默病 淀粉样前体蛋白 SorLA Β淀粉样蛋白 Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein SorLA β-amyloid
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