
词汇的概念义和情绪义加工的时间进程研究 被引量:6

The Time Course of Conceptual Semantic and Affective Semantic Processing of Words
摘要 目的:对词汇的概念义和情绪义加工的时间进程进行直接的对比研究。方法:以50名健康大学生为被试,采用一种特殊的词汇——双意义情绪词,通过设置不同的SOA条件(50毫秒和300毫秒),同时考察了词汇的语义启动和情绪启动效应,要求被试进行词汇判断任务。结果:在短SOA(50毫秒)条件下,词汇的语义启动效应和情绪启动效应均显著,且两者之间无显著差异;在长SOA(300毫秒)条件下,词汇的语义启动效应显著,但未发现情绪启动效应。结论:词汇概念义的加工同时包括了自动化和控制性的加工过程,而情绪义的加工只包含了自动化的加工过程,表明词汇的概念义和情绪义加工具有不同的时间进程。 Objective: To directly compare the time course of the conceptual semantic and affective semantic process- ing of words using the comparative approach. Methods: Fifty healthy college students participated in the experiment. A special type of words, named dual-meaning words, which had both conceptual meaning and affective meaning, were used, We adopted simultaneously the semantic priming and affective priming paradigm with a short (50 ms) and long (300 ms) SOA (stimulus onset asynchrony). The subjects were asked to perform a lexical decision task. Results: At the short SOA condition, there were both significant semantic and significant affeetive priming effects. But at the long SOA condition, on- ly significant semantic priming effect was found. Conclusion: These findings suggest that conceptual semantic processing of words contains both automatic and controlled processes, but affeetive semantic processing is more an automatic one, in- dicating different time courses of the conceptual and affective semantic processing of words.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期349-352,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31200846 31271195) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJC190022) 浙江理工大学科研启动基金(1113822-Y)
关键词 概念义 情绪义 双意义词 时间进程 启动效应 Conceptual semantic Affective semantic Dual-meaning words Time course Priming effect
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