Objective: To explore the relationship between different forms of self-esteem(SE) and compare the feature of SE structure in students with personality disorders(PDs) with normal students by defensive SE, contingent SE and unstable SE. Methods: PDQC-2 was administered to a sample which consisted of 820 students to screen PDs, and the feature of SE structure was examined by RSES, MCSD, CSES and ISES. Then, the feature of implicit SE was explored by IAT. Re- suits: (1)Forms of SE was significantly related to each other except implicit SE. (2)Group with low explicit SE: implicit SE was positively significantly related with contingent and unstable SE. Group with high explicit SE: implicit SE was negative- ly significantly related to contingent SE but no significant correlation with unstable and defensive SE. (~)Scores of explicit and defensive SE in students with PDs were lower than in normal students but the other way round in contingent and un- stable SE. There were significant difference in contingent SE between PDs and the normal with the high explicit SE. Conclusion: (1)The four forms of SE are significantly related with each other but the coefficients are low, and this research supports the view that implicit and explicit SE are distinct mental structure and implicit SE moderate the relation between explicit SE and contingent SE or unstable SE. (2)The SE is low and fragile in students with tendency of PDs, and high contingent SE is the typical characteristics of them.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology