
人格障碍倾向大学生的自尊异质性研究 被引量:9

A Study of Heterogeneity of Self-esteem in College Students with Symptoms of Personality Disorders
摘要 目的:从防御自尊、条件自尊、不稳定自尊三方面比较人格障碍倾向大学生与人格障碍筛查阴性大学生的自尊结构特点。方法:通过人格障碍筛查问卷(PDQC-2)从深圳某大学820名本科生中筛查人格障碍倾向个体,同时采用Rosenberg自尊量表(RSES)、社会期望量表(MCSD)、不稳定自尊量表(ISES)、条件自尊量表(CSES)测量其各型自尊,并通过内隐联想测验(IAT)考查内隐自尊。结果:①各自尊之间均存在不同程度的显著相关,内隐自尊除外(P>0.05);②低外显自尊组:内隐自尊与条件自尊显著正相关(r=0.682,P<0.05),与不稳定自尊正相关边缘显著(r=0.531,P=0.076);高外显自尊组:内隐自尊与条件自尊负相关边缘显著(r=-0.481,P=0.069),与不稳定自尊无显著相关(P>0.05);防御自尊与内隐自尊无显著相关(P>0.05);③人格障碍倾向组外显自尊及防御自尊低于阴性组,而条件自尊和不稳定自尊高于阴性组,差异均显著(P<0.05);具有高外显自尊特点的人格障碍倾向组与阴性组在条件自尊上有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:①各自尊变量呈不同程度的显著相关但较低,外显自尊与内隐自尊是两个相互独立的评价系统,内隐自尊调节外显自尊与条件自尊、不稳定自尊之间的关系;②人格障碍倾向大学生的自尊较低且脆弱,阴性组大学生的自尊较高并相对稳定,高条件自尊是人格障碍倾向大学生的典型特点。 Objective: To explore the relationship between different forms of self-esteem(SE) and compare the feature of SE structure in students with personality disorders(PDs) with normal students by defensive SE, contingent SE and unstable SE. Methods: PDQC-2 was administered to a sample which consisted of 820 students to screen PDs, and the feature of SE structure was examined by RSES, MCSD, CSES and ISES. Then, the feature of implicit SE was explored by IAT. Re- suits: (1)Forms of SE was significantly related to each other except implicit SE. (2)Group with low explicit SE: implicit SE was positively significantly related with contingent and unstable SE. Group with high explicit SE: implicit SE was negative- ly significantly related to contingent SE but no significant correlation with unstable and defensive SE. (~)Scores of explicit and defensive SE in students with PDs were lower than in normal students but the other way round in contingent and un- stable SE. There were significant difference in contingent SE between PDs and the normal with the high explicit SE. Conclusion: (1)The four forms of SE are significantly related with each other but the coefficients are low, and this research supports the view that implicit and explicit SE are distinct mental structure and implicit SE moderate the relation between explicit SE and contingent SE or unstable SE. (2)The SE is low and fragile in students with tendency of PDs, and high contingent SE is the typical characteristics of them.
作者 金莹 卢宁
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期422-425,419,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 广东省教育科研"十一五"规划研究项目(06TJZ003) 深圳市科技计划项目(200627) 深圳大学校级科研项目(4LN)
关键词 人格障碍 内隐自尊 防御自尊 条件自尊 不稳定自尊 Personality disorders Implicit SE defensive SE Contingent SE Unstable SE
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