文章通过DTFT方法对Dolph-Chebyshev窗形成的方向图与常用的Blackman、Gauss、Hamming、Hann窗等函数形成的方向图进行了比较,其副瓣电平分布均匀,且主瓣宽度更小,主瓣最大功率也高于除Gauss窗外的其他窗函数,而仅比Gauss窗低不到0.2 dB。
Comparison has been done between the orientation pattern formed by Dolph-Chebyshev window and some common orientation patterns formed by Blackman, Gauss, Hamming and Hann. The side lobe level of the Dolph-Cheby- shev window distributes uniformly. The main lobe is smaller. The maximum power of main lobe of Dolph-Chebyshev is higher than other window functions except Gauss window function, and lower less 0.2 dB than Gauss window function.
Instrumentation Technology