开展新一轮国土资源大调查是一项跨世纪的宏伟工程 ,是一项基础性、公益性、战略性的工作 ,其特点是“新”和“大”。要搞好新一轮国土资源大调查 ,以高质量的成果广泛服务于国民经济建设和社会发展 ,就要做到统筹规划、统一标准 ,积极采用 3S等高新技术 ,实施数字国土工程 ;要充分借鉴国内外的成功经验 ,提高大调查的科技含量和工作效率 ,为地质科学的发展做出新的贡献。
It is a magnificent and over-to-the century engineering to unfold a new round of land resources survey. And it is a basic, public welfare and strategy work. Its character is in large scale. In order to do well the work and to be serviced well the construction of national economy and social development, it is necessary that overall planning and unified standard must be go on well, digital land engineering is put in effect with 3S new-high technique. To heighten the content of science and technology and work efficiency of land survey, by means of the advanced experience of home and other countries, contributes to the development of geology science.
Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources