
低成本RFID双向认证协议 被引量:2

Low-cost RFID mutual authentication protocol
摘要 为了在保障安全性的前提下,进一步降低标签成本,使射频识别(RFID)技术得到更广泛应用,通过在加密算法的基础上引入伪随机数、标签ID动态更新、密钥矩阵三种安全机制,设计了一种新型认证协议。新协议采用同一轻量级算法进行加密与伪随机数生成操作,同时标签引入保护数来取代伪随机数,进一步降低标签计算复杂度。新协议不要求阅读器与后端数据库为可信信道,使RFID系统具有更强的灵活性。经过安全性分析,所提协议对常见的重放攻击、跟踪定位攻击、去同步化攻击等都有良好的抵抗性,因此与同等安全程度的其他协议相比,新型协议具有明显的成本优势。 In order to lower the cost of tag and to make a broader application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, a new RFID security authentication protocol which introduced three kinds of security mechanism containing pseudo-random number, varying identifier and key array was proposed based on the encryption. The new protocol utilized the same lightweight algorithm to encrypt and operate the process of pseudo-random number generation. Furthermore, protection number was designed to replace the pseudo-random number of the tag to further reduce the computation complexity. Channel between reader and back-end database was not required security in the proposed protocol, which makes the RFID system more flexible. Through the security analysis, it could resist several possible attacks, including replay attack, location tracking attack and synchronization attack. So compared with existing RFID protocols, it has significant cost advantages.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第A01期130-133,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 信息安全国家重点实验室2011年开放课题(02-04-3) 内蒙古自治区科技创新引导奖励基金资助项目(2012)
关键词 射频识别 认证协议 伪随机数 ID更新 密钥矩阵 Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) authentication protocol pseudo-random number varying identifier key array
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