
基于美国NCTM课堂交流规范的课堂观察及启示 被引量:2

Class Observation and Suggestion on Basis of Class Communication Regulation of NCTM in America
摘要 美国NCTM课堂交流规范是全美数学教师协会(NCTM)于2000年发布的"学校数学的原则和标准(Principlesand Standards for School Mathematics)"中的具体规定,在此规范下展示了一项课堂观察的案例研究.该研究将课堂交流过程分为6个成分(组织、陈述、互动、提问、反馈、评析),观察了4位教师内容相同的4节数学课,并依据NCTM课堂交流规范对4位教师的课堂教学作了评析.最后,从课堂交流的学习共同体角度从实验中剖析了3点启示:一是"好"的课堂交流的特征;二是促进课堂交流的教学策略;三是优化课堂交流下的问题解决(学习)过程. The paper indicated the content of class communication regulation of NCTM in America,showed a case discussion for class observation on the basis of class communication regulation.The research penetrated into four classes of four teachers whose contents are the same according to the six elements of class communication(organization,illustration,interaction,posing problems,feedback,assessment),and analyzing them with which they would be coordinated with class communication regulation or not.At last,the paper discussed three points from the leaning community in experiment(1) the characteristics of "nice" class communication;(2) the instruction strategy developing class communication;(3) solving problems(learning) process under optimization of class communication.
作者 张伟平
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2013年第3期49-52,共4页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 2010上海市哲学社会科学规划课题——新课程背景下教师培训项目全程质量监控体系研究(2010BJY006) 2012上海市教育科学研究项目——提升中小学名优教师培养专业化程度的运作模式研究(B12033W) 2013上海师范大学校级项目——职前教师基于行为的诊断式体验性课程的开发和应用
关键词 课堂交流 NCTM规范 观察成分 class communication NCTM regulation elements of observation
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