
日本构建低碳社会的目标、方法与路径研究 被引量:6

On the Goal,Method and Path of a Low-carbon Society in Japan
摘要 日本是一个人口众多、资源匮乏的岛国。为了应对全球气候变化,减缓资源环境的压力,日本政府提出了构建低碳社会的国家方案。以此为背景,本文首先围绕日本推进低碳社会分析了日本低碳转型的时代背景和现实的意义,揭示了日本引领世界低碳革命的决心和信心;其次,研究了日本提出低碳社会发展目标可行性的预测和分析方法。最后,分析了日本建设低碳社会(LCS)的行动方案:"十二项低碳社会行动方案",以及构建低碳社会的五大重点领域。这些对于中国探索有中国特色的低碳发展之路,实现我国经济的可持续发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。 Japan is an island country with a large population and scarce resources. Japanese government proposed a national program to build a low-carbon society, in order to tackle global climate change, relieve the pressure of resources and environment. Under this background, this paper, firstly, focuses on promoting low-carbon society (LCS) progress in Japan. It analyzes the historical back- ground and practical significance of Japan's low-carbon transformation, reveals the determination and confidence of Japan who will lead the world in low-carbon revolution. Secondly, the paper studies Japan's forecasting and analysis methods of feasibility of LCS develop- ment goals which have been put forward. Finally, the paper analyzes the plan action of constructing a LCS in Japan, such as "A Dozen Actions towards Low-Carbon Societies", as well as the five key areas of constructing a LCS in Japan. All of these have an important theoretical and practical significance for China to explore low carbon developmental path with Chinese characteristics, to achieve the sus- tainable development of China's economy.
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期136-143,共8页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70973113) 浙江省社科规划重点项目(11YD08Z)
关键词 低碳社会 可再生能源 福岛核危机 核能 低碳发展 Low-carbon Society Renewable energy Fukushima nuclear crisis nuclear power Low carbon development
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