
一种改进的LDPC码硬判决译码算法 被引量:1

Revised Hard-decision Decoding of LDPC Codes
摘要 LDPC码的硬判决译码通常是利用比特翻转算法(BF)以及在其基础上改进的加权比特翻转算法(WBF)来实现的,但是前者算法性能较差,而后者的复杂度较高,为了让译码算法能够兼顾其性能和复杂度,针对之前的BF以及WBF算法,提出了一种改进的LDPC码硬判决译码算法,该算法能够在前两次迭代中完成多个比特位的翻转。仿真结果表明,这种改进的算法可以在性能损失较小的条件下,大大降低算法的复杂度,从而提高译码的效率,减轻硬件的负担。 Bitflipping decoding algorithm and its improved version weighted bitflipping decoding algorithm are usually used to realize the harddeci sion decoding of LDPC codes. But the performance of BF decoding algorithm is not good enough ,and WBF decoding algorithm is complicated. A revised harddecision decoding of LDPC codes to have a good tradeoff between complexity and decoding performance is introduced in this paper. The algorithm can make multiple bits flip in the first two iteration. The simulation results demonstrate the revised algorithm supplies a slightly inferior BER perform ance, but a significant reduction of the complexity.
作者 詹尹 李宏伟
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2013年第13期109-112,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 LDPC码 加权比特翻转算法 硬判决译码 LDPC code weighted bit-flipping algorithm hard-decision decoding
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