
霸权依赖与后冷战时期美国的战略困境 被引量:3

Hegemonic Reliance and America's Strategic Dilemma in the Post-Cold War Era
摘要 冷战结束后,美国奠定了其唯一超级大国的地位。它通过巩固传统同盟、拓展制度网络和创设国际议题,建立起了盛极一时的全球霸权。然而,随着国际财富和资源的低成本获得,它们在刺激美国内部需求的同时也造成了债务攀升、美元持续贬值、经济金融化和民众享乐等"霸权依赖症"。随着美国对霸权依赖的加深,其战略重心逐渐从财富创造和实业生产转向以规则主导和话语优势为基础的霸权控制,进而导致了国家能力的不断虚化。在内部需求刚性膨胀与国家能力不断虚化的作用下,其霸权的功能也发生了异化,即从起初关注利益增减转变为目前关注关乎国家生死攸关的战略问题。霸权重要性的上升加剧了美国对霸权丧失的担忧,导致其对外行动呈现出明显的进攻性,从而激起了世界普遍的反美主义情绪。加之新兴大国的群体性崛起和国际金融危机的爆发,美国霸权正陷入复杂深刻的全方位困局之中。 Following the Cold War,the United States established its position as the world' s sole superpower and global hegemon by consolidating its traditional alliances,expanding its institutional networks and creating international norms.While this promoted the acquisition of international wealth and low cost resources,it also stimulated internal demand,generated rising debt,caused the depreciation of the U.S.dollar,the financialization of the U.S.economy,mass complacency on the part of the U.S.public and other problems associated with hegemony.As the United States became more dependent on its hegemonic position,the focus of its strategy gradually shifted from the creation of wealth and economic production to maintaining hegemonic control over international norms and international discourse.This resulted in the gradual weakening of American national power.Under the dual pressure of ballooning domestic demand and weakening national capabilities,the role of American hegemony started to change from its initial focus on expansion of American interests to its present focus of preventing American decline.The increasing importance of maintaining hegemony for the U.S.has greatly increased its fear of losing this hegemony.This has resulted in America adopting an overtly offensive posture,provoking a global rise in anti-American sentiment Adding the rise of a group of emerging countries and the global financial crisis to the mix has further complicated the dilemma faced by American hegemony.
作者 刘世强
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期53-68,156-157,共16页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 霸权依赖 后冷战 新兴国家崛起 战略困境 Hegemonic Reliance Post-Cold War Rise of Emerging Countries Strategic Dilemma
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