
移动商务信任的演化博弈及动态仿真 被引量:3

Evolutionary Game and Dynamic Simulation of Trust in Mobile Commerce
摘要 用户信任是影响移动商务成功的关键因素之一,其形成与发展是一个动态演化的过程.运用演化博弈理论,研究用户信任的演化均衡状态,并应用Netlogo进行仿真.研究显示,建立潜在用户的信任,移动商家应采取主动发出可信信号;对于老用户,应致力于提升用户满意度;监管机制应随着移动商务的发展来调整其具体政策,在严格管理的同时营造适当宽松的发展环境,对受损用户的补偿和对失信商家的惩处,在初期应较大,随着监管机构提高其发现商家失信行为的概率,额度可以逐步减小. Customer's trust is one of the critical success factors of mobile commerce. Its formation and development is a dynamic evolutionary process. Using evolutionary game theory to study the evolution of customer trust equilibrium, and simulation application Netlogo. Studies have shown that to establish the confidence of potential users, m-merchants should take the initiative to issue a credible signal; For old users, should be committed to enhance customer satisfaction; regulatory mechanisms should adjust its policy with the development of m-commerce in the strict management create appropriate and comfortable environment for development, compensation to customers and punishment to dishonesty m-merchants should be larger at an early stage, with the regulatory authorities to improve the probability of its discovery merchants acts of dishonesty, the amount can be gradually reduced.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2013年第7期1-6,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金委创新群体资助项目(70921001/G0104) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金(11YBB394)
关键词 移动商务 信任 演化博弈 Netlogo仿真 动态 mobile commerce trust evolutionary game Netlogo simulation dynamic
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