
学前一年教育效能的增值评价研究 被引量:15

Value Added Analysis of Teaching Effectiveness of One-Year Preschool Education
摘要 通过多阶段随机抽样搜集整理有关数据,采用多层回归与非连续性回归相整合的数据分析与处理方式,以班级为评价单位,分别从幼儿数学学习和语言发展上考察学前一年教育效能,以及学前一年班级教育环境质量与其效能的关系。结果发现,在幼儿数学学习和语言发展上学前一年教育效能显著,达到0.6~0.3个标准差,并从中心区向边远区依次递减;学前一年班级教育环境质量对其教育效能具有正向预测效应,并从中心区向边远区依次递增。同样质量的学前一年教育改进,边远区学前一年教育效能增量最多,边远区儿童从学前一年教育质量改善中也受益最大。无论在政策制定还是在资源配置上,都应该向边远区适当倾斜,才能从总体上促进我国学前一年教育的均衡发展。 The research, with class as assessment unit, examined the teaching effectiveness of one-year preschool education in the aspects of children's mathematics learning and language development, and the relationship between the quality of one-year preschool education environment and its teaching effective- ness. Collecting data by multi-stage random sampling, and analyzing the data by the consolidation model of multi-level regression and discontinuous regression, the research found that the teaching effectiveness of one-year preschool education in children's mathematics learning and language development was significant, up to about 0.6--0.3 standard deviations, and the variations gradually decreased from the central area to the remote area. The quality of one-year preschool education environment had positive effects on its teach- ing effectiveness, and the variations gradually increased from the central area to the remote area. A one- year preschool education improvement efforts of the same quality could lead to a greater increase in the teaching effectiveness and better benefit children in the remote area. Therefore, the education policy mak- ing and resource allocation should somewhat prioritize the remote areas to promote the balanced developmerit of one-year preschool education in China as a whole.
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期56-66,共11页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 2009年国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题"学前一年教育纳入义务教育的条件保障研究"(课题批准号:AHA090006 项目合同号:QGB090006)的研究成果
关键词 学前一年 教育效能 增值评价 one-year preschool teaching effectiveness value added analysis
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