
基于屏幕空间变换的大型装配型架测量可视性分析 被引量:5

Visibility analysis of large assembly fixture measurement based on screen space transformation
摘要 为提高型架安装精度,提出利用屏幕空间变换的一种简便易行的大型装配型架测量可视性分析方法。通过对大型型架测量可视性分析的关键问题进行研究,提出了障碍物判定与简化处理方法,并给出了基于可视性矩阵的最少仪器站位求解算法。以某盒式连接装配型架为例进行了验证。该方法通过将三维空间的干涉问题转化为二维空间的交集问题,可显著减少可视性分析的计算量、提高计算效率,为复杂现场环境下进行大尺寸测量可视性分析与仪器布局提供一种有效手段。 To improve the accuracy of fixture installation, a visibility analysis method for large assembly fixture meas- urement based on screen space transformation was proposed. By studying practical visibility problems of large-scale assembly fixture,an approach to identify and simplify obstacles was proposed and a solving algorithm for minimum observation station based on visibility matrix was put forward. The proposed methods were verified through an experimental Boxjoint-based assembly fixture, and the result showed that the computation of the visibility analysis was reduced and the computational efficiency was increased significantly by converting 3D interference problem into 2D space intersection. It provided effective measure for visibility analysis and instrument layout of large volume metrology in complex shop-floor conditions.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1321-1328,共8页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175026)~~
关键词 可视性分析 屏幕空间变换 大尺寸测量 障碍物 装配型架 visibility analysis screen space transformation large volume metrology obstacle assembly fixture
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