
他氟前列素和拉坦前列素治疗原发性开角型青光眼临床试验研究综述 被引量:8

A Review of Clinical Trials of Tafluprost versus Latanoprost for the Treatment of Primary Open-angle Glaucoma
摘要 目的了解和介绍他氟前列素和拉坦前列素治疗原发性开角型青光眼国际临床试验的研究进展。方法全面检索英文数据库和中文数据库,包括PubMed、MDLIEN@OVID、EMBASE.com、CNKI、维普全文电子期刊、万方电子期刊,结合纳入与剔除标准,筛选文献进行比较分析。结果与结论最终筛选得到9篇英文文献。综合文献报道结果,0.0015%的他氟前列素治疗原发性开角型青光眼的临床疗效不劣于0.005%的拉坦前列素,且不含防腐剂的他氟前列素具有更优良的安全性和耐受性。 Objective To introduce international clinical trials' progress on tafluprost' s treatment for primary open-angle glaucoma compared with latanoprost. Methods A comprehensive search for relevant literatures in both English and Chinese data bases,including PubMed, MDLIEN@OVID. EMBASE. corn and CNKI, WANFANG data. VIP information, respectively, was conducted.Then strict standards for inclusion and exclusion were established to screen relevant literatures, with a contrast analysis followed. Results and Conclusion 9 English literatures were included.With a comprehensive analysis of literatures, the conclusion comes to that clinical effectiveness there exists noninferiority of tafluprost to latanoprost over clinical effectiveness for primary open-angle glaucoma and that preservative-free tafluprost is better tolerated and safer than latanoprost.
出处 《中国药物经济学》 2013年第3期9-13,共5页 China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics
关键词 他氟前列素 拉坦前列素 原发性开角型青光眼 临床试验 综述 Tafluprost Latanoprost Primary open-angle glaucoma Clinical trials Review
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