Objective To observe the different methods of cleaning effect of bowel preparation before capsule endoscopy. Methods Divided into 40 patients with bowel cleansing method random level magnesium sulfate group (at 4 p.m. of the day before capsule endoscopy drinking 50% magnesium sulfate 25g soluble in water a little firstly, then drinking 500 mL of water within half an hour later, the next day at 5 a.m drinking 50% magnesium sulfate 50g soluble in water a little firstly, then drinking more than 1000 mL of water within half an hour later) and senna-magnesium sulfate group (eating less residue diet two days ago before capsule endoscopy, senna daily 2-3g soaked with water 300 mL after 15 minutes, then drinking the senna immersion replace tea until 12h before check, then like the former group taking the magnesium sulfate). Results Magnesium sulfate group and senna-magnesium group patients all could tolerate the bowel preparation, bowel cleansing excellent rate the magnesium sulfate group of patients was 70%, senna-magnesiu sulfate group was 90%. Conelusion The small dose of serma immersion plus magnesium sulfate oral as bowel preparation method in capsule endoscopy can effectively, improve the images clarity and lesion detection rate, worth in clinical popularize.
Guide of China Medicine
Magnesium sulfate
Capsule endoscopy
Bowel preparation