Scramjet tests in pulse wind tunnel require fuel supply system working quickly, steadily and accurately. To satisfy these requests, an integrated high precision fuel supply system with multi- scheduling for multi-fuel-supply-pipelines is established. Its functions include fuel supplying to scramjet model, air and hydrogen supplying to igniter and air supplying for throttling. The fuel supplied by this system is ethylene, methane, hydrogen and their mixture (a surrogate for endothermically-cracked J P- 7). A pressure-compensation device is employed to hold fuel supply pressure steady, thereby making the fuel/air mass ratio exact. The fuel feed valve composed by electromagnetic valve and pneumatic imple- ment can safely distribute fuel in the designed period of time. The valve needs less than 20ms and 30ms to turn on and turn off respectively. For different scramjet fueling schemes, multi-fuel-pipelines with multi scheduling are designed and controlled by electromagnetic valve. The timing precision for fueling control can reach to the level of lms. In this paper, detailed fuel and gas loops in this integrated system are presented. Also the parameters of key components are computed. Ignition, combustion and air-throt- tling experiments are carried out to check the performance of the system. The results show that the sys- tem can supply air and hydrogen to the igniter as long as 500ms, exceeding the time needed for scramjet direct-connect test. The combustion capability of an ethylene fueled scramjet model is investigated. The monitored pressures of fuel supply pipelines fluctuate less than 3 %. Also the pressure-steady air supplied by the system for lOOms throttling ignites ethylene successfully.
Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics