
空空导弹环境应力筛选中若干问题的讨论 被引量:1

Discussion on Several Problems in Environmental Stress Screening for Air-to-Air Missile
摘要 针对空空导弹环境应力筛选,讨论了实施过程中环境应力筛选与环境适应性试验和交付试验的关系,安装对筛选效果的影响,非纯电子产品的筛选条件等问题。 With regard to the environmental stress screening for air-to-air missile, several problems are discussed, such as the relation between the environmental stress screening and the tests of environmental adaptability and delivery during execution process, the influence of installation on screening effect, the screening conditions of non-pure electronic product, and so on.
出处 《航空兵器》 2013年第3期58-60,共3页 Aero Weaponry
关键词 环境应力筛选 交付试验 随机振动 温度循环 environmental stress screening delivery test random vibration temperature cycling
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