我国西北地区的地下水位一般都埋藏较深 ,在设计取水量小的深井时 ,考虑到采用空压机洗井捞碴时对井内空气管浸没率的要求 ,往往采用加大井深的设计方案 ,凿井经费也相应增高 .而采用“吹捞法”可以有效捞取深井底部沉碴 ,故可以降低设计井深 ,节省较多的建井经费 .
The groundwater level lies generally at deep layer in North West district in China. When designing the deep well of small quantity of water inlet and considering the requirement of the immersion rate in air pipes of the wells if adopting air compressor to flush wells and dredge out dregs, the designing plans of enlarging the depth of the wells are always adopted. In consequence the funds of sinking wells are increased. By adopting the method of blowing-dredge to dredge effectively out the dregs at the bottom of the deep wells, the designing depth of the wells is lessened and the funds of sinking wells are highly reduced.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University